
Multi-select calendar

I made a fully functioning multi-select/date range calendar component, and it looks like this. Try using it and select a few dates.

You can select multiple days and it should be somewhat accessible.


I'm building a simple service for my (rather large) family to coordinate different things (dinner, cabin trips etc). I needed a calendar to select date ranges to make it easy to answer the following:

  1. When are you arriving?
  2. When are you leaving?

It's sorta works like Airbnb's calendar picker, except that it doesn't update the range on :hover, only on click. Here's how it's used in the the family planner:

Cabin-planner UI demo

I also plan to use the component to filter data in a list view at a later stage.

Technical details

All the date stuff relies heavily on Dayjs, and styling is done with TailwindCSS.

The package (not published to NPM btw) essentially has two exports:

  • useCalendar(): Hook that handles all the logic. If you want to style this your own way, you can use this hook without importing the Calendar components.
  • Calendar: Consist of three "compound components":
    • <Calendar.CalendarActions />: Showing the calendar title and the buttons for navigating between months.
    • <Calendar.CalendarHeader />: The top list of days (Monday-Sunday)
    • <Calendar.CalendarGrid />: Showing the currently selected months, and it's days.

Here's a minimal code example of how it's used:

const CalendarDemo = () => {
  const [calendarState, calendarEvents] = useCalendar();
  const { currentDate, days } = calendarState;

  return (
    <div className="">
      <div className="text-center">
          {currentDate.format('MMMM YYYY')}
        <Calendar.CalendarHeader daysToRender={days} />

I'll probably go more in-depth about it's API and how it's built in the future, but for now I just wanted to show this off to the world ๐ŸŒ.

If you want to take a look at the source code, you'll find that on Github.


If you have any feedback, please reach out to @rix1 on Twitter.